Charter Township of Garfield Township Board of Trustees - 10/8/2024

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Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 6:00 PM

Call meeting to order Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call of Board Members

a. a. Minutes - September 10, 2024 regular meeting October 2, 2024 study session September 5, 19, and 26, 2024 special meetings (Recommend Approval)
b. b. (i) General Fund $125,541.56 (Recommend Approval)
c. (ii) Gourdie-Fraser
d. MTT Update (Receive and File)
e. Consideration of changing the name of Ramsdell Street, West of Incochee Woods Drive, if extended, to Ramsdell Road (Recommend Approval)
f. Consideration of amending the address and applicant name for High Tops TC, LLC, Resolution 2024-15-T-Amended (Recommend Approval)
5. Items removed from the Consent Calendar
6. Correspondence
7. Reports
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business
11. Other Business