Charter Township of Garfield Township Board of Trustees - 6/11/2024

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Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 6:00 PM

Call meeting to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call of Board Members

a. Minutes - May 14, 2024 regular meeting

(Recommend Approval)

b. Bills -

(i)General Fund$102,516.08

(Recommend Approval)

(ii) Gourdie-Fraser

Developer's Escrow Fund - Storm Water Reviews, Sidewalk Assessment,

Utility Plan Review, Oversight & Closeout$ 9,828.50

General Utilities22,877.50

General (Township Hall Boiler/AC Unit) 540.00

Park Funds / DNR Trust Fund12,300.00


(Recommend Approval)

c. MTT Update (Receive and File)
d. ARPA Project Tracker Update (Receive and File)
e. Consideration of appointing Jamie Douglass as a Code Enforcement Officer (Recommend Approval)
f. Consideration of Resolution 2024-17-T regarding retention of meeting records on the Township website (Recommend Approval)
g. Consideration of Resolution 2024-18-T amending the budget by $25,000 to increase Contracted and Other Services line item (Recommend Approval)
h. Consideration of Resolution 2024-19-T recommending approval of an On-Premises Tasting Room Permit for Cultured Ferments Company (Recommend Approval)
i. Consideration of Contractor's Application for Payment No. 1 to Elmer's for Stoneridge PRV (Recommend Approval)
j. Consideration of Contractor's Application for Payment No. 2 to Molon Excavating for Silver Lake Road Sanitary Sewer Extension (Recommend Approval)
k. Consideration of BATA/TCHC Transit - Oriented Mixed Use Development Water and Sewer Extension, close-out and turnover documents (Recommend Approval)
l. Consideration of Ridges 45 - Phase IV (South 22) Water and Sewer Extension, close-out and turnover documents (Recommend Approval)
m. Consideration of Birmley Hills Site Condos - Sanitary Sewer and Water Main Extension, close-out and turnover documents (Recommend Approval)
a. Timeline of Executive Recruitment Services for Township Manager from Amy Cell
7. Reports
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business